Wednesday 1 February 2012

RESEARCH - Music Magazine Questionnaire

I created a questionnaire to gather information to see what type of things people prefer in a music magazine and what they might like to see inside it:

1.       Male or Female?
2.       How old are you?
14-15                     16-18                     19-21                     22+
3.       Do you like music?          
Yes                         No
4.       If so, what is your favourite genre?
5.       Do you normally buy music magazines?
Yes                         No
6.       If not, why?
7.       How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
£1-1.99 £2-2.99 £3-3.99 £4+
8.       What would you like to see in a music magazine?
9.       Who is your favourite band/singer/producer (DJ)?
10.   Do you often go to festivals or gigs?
11.   If so, roughly how many times have you been altogether?
12.   Does the music you listen to influence your style?
Yes         No
13.   If Yes, why?
14.   Do you download music?
Yes         No
15.   Do you prefer downloading music as appose to buying CDs?
16.   How do you listen to music?
iPod                   Online              Television             Radio          CDs          Computer/Laptop
17.   How often do you prefer magazines to be brought out?
Weekly              Fortnightly        Monthly                             
18.   Would you be encouraged to buy the magazine if it included free gifts?
Yes         No
19.   Do the images on the front of a magazine draw you in to buying it?
Yes         No
20.   Would you prefer articles about local bands or well-known bands?
Local      Well-known

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